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Mother of missing Shani Louk says she’s been informed she’s ALIVE: Tattoo craftsman strutted on back of Hamas truck after Nova celebration slaughter ‘is basically sick in Gaza clinic’

Shani Louk was at melodic celebration for harmony when she was caught by Hamas
Recordings showed her dormant body being strutted through roads in aggressor truck
Yet, her mom said she’s gotten word Shani is as yet alive in basic condition

The mother of German tattoo craftsman Shani Louk, who was accepted to have been killed by Hamas shooters during Saturday’s severe assault on an Israeli live event, has guaranteed she gotten word from Palestine her little girl is as yet alive.

The stunning disclosure, if valid, gives a promise of something better to a miserable family who had to watch recordings of an oblivious and somewhat stripped Shani strutted through the roads on the rear of a pickup truck by Hamas fear based oppressors as spectators spat on her still body.

Shani Louk, 22 (pictured), was at a music festival for peace when she was captured by Hamas terrorists who had stormed the event and massacred 260 Israeli revellers during their assault on Israel

Shani’s mom Ricarda Louk told German outlet Bild: ‘We currently have proof that Shani is alive however has a serious head injury and is in basic condition. Consistently is basic.

‘You need to act rapidly and get Shani out of the Gaza Strip!’ she pronounced in the message coordinated at German authorities. We shouldn’t quarrel over inquiries of locale now!’

Shani, 22, is German however experienced childhood in Israel, and was one of many clueless partygoers at the Nova celebration where Hamas led a slaughter of exactly 260 regular folks.

Prior cuts showed Shani hitting the dance floor with a gathering of different revelers while grinning comprehensively at the camera – a long ways from the frightening film that arose later appearance her detainers joyously conveying her like a prize.

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